In other news,

For those of you keeping up, good news! My friend is, in fact, not a father!

Dodging a bullet right there.

Anyway, today I took care of all my financial aid stuff getting ready for move in day… Let the countdown begin! Too bad I still need to do some serious dorm shopping. Speaking of shopping, I went shopping with my friend this morning and found some great new clothes for him, ate some lunch, and then I headed over to my college campus to take care of my financial aid stuff! Fantastic! Not really, but it’s out of the way now so I’m happy.

On a completely unrelated note, I decided to give in and setup a twitter account… So if you want to see the short updates that I find to be too short to blog about, or just a different perspective of me, check it out. I would appreciate some followers! 🙂



How to: Be Persuasive… with a little Gotye mixed in

I feel like it’s been a really long time since I’ve written a post, but it’s only been about 3 days.

I guess it’s been a while since I’ve posted something up to my usual standards haha.

There’s just been so much going on lately. Between getting ready for college, finishing last minute things for people, making sure all of my forms are in order, procrastinating from all of that and doing absolutely nothing for weeks instead of actually finishing all of the stuff I just mentioned, I’ve had a lot on my plate 😉

Nah in all actuality I’ve been busy without really being busy if that makes any sense at all. I feel like I haven’t really done anything, but I’ve done enough to be so completely sleep deprived to the point of getting sick and having to be out of commission for a day. Of course as soon as I get sick everyone decides I need to hang out with them…

However now that I used that day to catch up on sleep and I’m feeling all better I’m out of my procrastination funk and I actually finished a lot of stuff! Feel free to applaud.

Still, before I get back to my random “deep” posts, I’ll share a few things with you that have kept me entertained.

Well, two things haha.

The first is something I found the other day that’s a bit long, but pretty funny if you actually read it.

It’s basically a “how to” for being persuasive and winning arguments… I just wouldn’t recommend following it very closely.

How to be persuasive

And now this last one is a video that my sister had me watched… I’ve had these thoughts about this song and a few others, but you know songs like these… no matter how much they irritate you at times, as soon as you hit the chorus…

Well, I’ll get back into the swing of things soon enough but until then, enjoy! and have a great weekend 🙂

It’s go time.

A few weeks before I graduated, my friend and I talked about writing letters to some of our close friends before we all go off to college. Basically a note telling our friends everything. Everything we ever wanted to say, how we feel about them, how good of friends we are, how much we’re going to miss them, all that jazz.

Not an easy thing to do.

At least not for some friends.

But it’s something that we figured we needed to do. It’s one of those things that we wanted to get out of the way before we hit that part of our lives where uncertainty dictates whether or not our paths will stray from one another. Not saying that we’re going to lose touch with all of them as soon as we hand off the letters, but I guess it’s kind of a way to sort of avoid the whole, “I really wish I told them…”

I’m not writing one to everyone, but there are definitely a few I need to get done.

Add that to my growing checklist.

Not looking forward to it. I’m not one to share my feelings openly with people that know me. But I talked to my friend, he’s already started writing his and I need to get to work on mine. Battling nerves and time management: ♫ these are a few of my favorite things! ♫

Well, at least I’ve crossed getting textbooks and calling the housing office off my list.

Now it’s just down to writing these letters, reading my summer assignment, dorm shopping, finishing my friend’s now incredibly late graduation present, and everything else there is to do to get ready for move in day.

And now for the title line:

It’s go time.


Okay for those of you who read my last post, I mentioned a video.

You know, that part where I said something along the lines of:

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that cartoon video where these guys go and each visit their own personal hell. And this one guy’s is in a big empty room with nothing but a jukebox and it starts playing it’s a small world on repeat. And then he destroys the jukebox but it keeps playing anyway! (if I could find that video I would post it for you but I haven’t seen it in years)

Well I found the video!

However, I do admit that I got some of the details of the video wrong. For instance, the song. But hey, give me a break I did say I hadn’t seen it in years. The details were fuzzy!

It may not mean much to you, but I’m one of those people where if I have something in mind like trying to find something, it will eat at me until I find it. Anyway, if you haven’t seen the video (don’t worry it’s not the song that was stuck in my head) this is what I was talking about.

I need a new song.

Have you ever had a song so stuck in your head that no matter what you do, you can’t shake it?

Psh. What am I saying?

Who hasn’t??

Right now I have the most irritating theme song that I have ever heard in my life stuck in my head.

I’m not even going to say what it is because no person should ever have to suffer the lyrics of this song!

The actual song part is only fourteen words long! But it’s horribly catchy!

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that cartoon video where these guys go and each visit their own personal hell. And this one guy’s is in a big empty room with nothing but a jukebox and it starts playing it’s a small world on repeat. And then he destroys the jukebox but it keeps playing anyway! (if I could find that video I would post it for you but I haven’t seen it in years)

The song I can’t shake right now would be the one playing on that jukebox in my personal hell.

Ugh!!! haha it’s so irritating, but every time I’m hit with a new wave of it I just start laughing and now I just look foolish because I’m smiling for no apparent reason.

Now I leave you with two questions.

1. What song would play in your hell’s jukebox?


This one has me reminiscing.

Throughout school, I had to attend a lot of award ceremonies and there was always, always, that one kid that got 75% of the awards. As soon as they sat down, they were called up to receive another one and whenever they called out the next award you just knew exactly who it was going to. Some of those kids that always got the awards were really irritating. The more awards they got, the more you could see other students in their seats murmuring things to their friends about how annoying they were.

But every now and then you’d get that kid that got a lot of awards, but everybody liked them and the audience genuinely clapped each time they went up because they actually deserved the awards they were receiving.

really hope I’m looking a little more like the latter in this situation…

When I was younger I hated getting awards. I always felt like such a dork when I got them. Some I’d be proud of, but some I’d just kind of downplay and not really advertise.

This one, I’m definitely proud of.

So for the third time, I’m accepting the One Lovely Blog award and thanking, from the bottom of my heart, leighleighland. This one feels a little different from the others because the person nominating me was fully aware that I had been nominated twice before and still nominated me. Because of that, this particular nomination means a little more to me. I feel like I deserve this one in a way I maybe didn’t deserve the other ones in the past? So thank you! So much! for this nomination.

You might think it wouldn’t mean as much to me the third time around, but if anything, it means a lot more.

Now that you’ve read through my sappy acceptance speech of sorts, on to the actual acceptance! You know the drill:

Step 1. Link back to the blogger who nominated me! Click that link, readers!

Step 2. Post the award image. check, check, and check.

Step 3. Provide seven facts about yourself.

Step 4. Nominate 7 or 15 other blogs and let them know that they’ve been nominated! (I’m going with seven this time)

Alright. Now for the seven facts.

  1. I always get kind of nervous every time I post something that actually means something to me. I don’t know if you guys get that way, but I can never stop that little twinge of nervous energy right before I hit publish
  2. I have always wanted a pet hedgehog, but they’re illegal in my home state…
  3. When I was little I was definitely one of those kids who would pretend to be sleeping when we got home after a long car ride so that my dad would carry me inside
  4. I have had an irrational fear of being in a bathroom in the dark ever since I was in elementary school and that bloody mary thing was popular… Since then I avoid bathrooms completely during thunderstorms and have recently been trapped in a shower at night in some house in the middle of nowhere when my friend blew a fuse and all of the power went out. I was terrified.
  5. I get distracted really easily and often lose my train of thought mid-sentence while talking aloud.
  6. I think nice smiles are sexy and am really turned off by people with bad teeth.
  7. When I was younger I wasn’t allowed to be home alone for long periods of time because my mom thought I would destroy my house. I’m good at fixing things so she doesn’t know that she was right and I broke a cabinet door and dented a wall while she was out. Well she knows about the cabinet, but the dent is still there and she hasn’t noticed 😉

And now for the new nominees!

Looks like it’s that time again!

It’s one thing to have someone nominate you for an award, but to have two people nominate you is an even greater honor! So thank you, Michelle for nominating me!

As always, for those of you who don’t know…

In accepting the award, I must:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated me.

2. Post the award image.

3. Reveal 7 facts about myself.

4. Nominate 15 other blogs and let them now that they have been chosen.

As for the seven facts:

  1. I’m a cradle Catholic.
  2. When I was little, I really did want to be a pokemon trainer.
  3. If I actually had a good singing voice, I would sing all the time. God blessed the world when He gave me an “alright” voice, because I would take advantage and irritate everyone.
  4. I have never seen the Titanic, and before you say anything, I have been made very aware (on multiple occasions) of the shame I am bringing to the human race everyday I go without watching that movie.
  5. I had a speech impediment when I was younger and now get agitated when people tell me they don’t understand what I’m saying.
  6. I have serious issues when it comes to following my own advice.
  7. I suffer from an irrational inability to make pancakes.

And the nominees are…

I think I’m being followed!

86 posts, 30 countries, and now 100 followers.

Today, I’m dedicating my post to the 100 of you (101 including the friend following without following, thanks EJ) and I just want to take the time to thank you for all of your support! You guys are great and without you, I probably would have given up on this blog a long time ago.

So thank you for clicking follow because without you, there’d be no posts.

And I would have never had the satisfaction of seeing this lovely image in my notifications.

It’s a good feeling.

Hollywood Ablaze

Alright everybody, I’m leaving in a few hours and heading to the north…er end of my state for a youth conference!

Anyway, I will be back on Sunday with more of my words of wisdom and general ramblings.

In the mean time…

My friend wants to work toward the film industry in the next few years and since then has been working on videos for his college portfolio and such. Recently, he’s been working on a web series and I may have started watching it more to support him, but it’s turning out to be pretty good. I’m getting hooked. It’s called:

So far there are only four episodes, each around five minutes long.

I don’t know if dramas are your style, but if you’d like to check it out, click here for more information!

You can find all the episodes right there on that site by clicking the tab labeled… you guessed it… EPISODES

Anyway, if you want to follow it on youtube, new episodes air every Tuesday and Wednesday in July. It might start slow, but by end of the third episode (or first fifteen minutes in or so) I was pretty intrigued. So if you don’t mind, you like that sort of thing, or you’re just looking for something to kill time, check it out!

Support me, by supporting my friend! You might actually like it. If you don’t, you don’t… my feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t watch it.  But if you do, and decide to comment or something, be kind because as far as I know it’s his first shot at a web series and being a jerk does not make you awesome. It just makes you a jerk. Just saying.

Enjoy your weekend!

See you back here on Sunday.

This would be an antisocial life…

I love people!

Just not all the time…

Don’t get me wrong, I like my friends and I have plenty of them, but in general I’m really not a big fan of going out and talking to people.  Most of my friends can agree that I’m not usually the one to start a conversation, but I won’t just go and ignore them once they start it.

Anyway, I was talking to EJ today and I realized, we’re both like this!

We were talking about his flight home coming up and how he should meet someone on the plane. I told him he should try starting the conversation, but we both agreed that that’s actually a lot easier said than done.

I don’t know about you guys, all you extroverts and such, but I am not the kind of person that can go up and start a conversation. Even if I tell myself, I WILL BE SOCIAL TODAY! I just can’t bring myself to talk to people unless the situation really calls for it.

People on airplanes are especially tricky! You don’t know what they have going on. They might have just had to leave someone they loved and are all emotionally unstable.. You don’t want to spend the next few hours with a sobbing seatmate… They might be angry over just getting fired. You don’t want some irate passenger ranting about their ex-employer… What do you say to them??

People will always say we should talk to people more, but I mean come on now. We were raised under the notion that we shouldn’t talk to strangers. Now we choose not to. There’s just no pleasing you!

All you people that love meeting strangers, awesome! I’m glad you do! That’s great!

But I’m a hermit. I like being home and being alone and being holed up for a while. It’s not that bad. It’s peaceful.

No drama, no people to deal with, no having to spend all your money… peaceful…

A while back, EJ and I actually talked about getting an apartment together one day if we both transferred into the same school in a few years. There’s a good possibility that we would  be horrible roommates. Not in the sense that we wouldn’t get along. We probably would, really well actually, and it would be fantastic, but we would probably never go anywhere… We would play foosball or pingpong and maybe even have a drink from time to time, but we might actually just live like hermit crabs and only leave for classes and the occasional food run.

But I would be okay with it. And I’m not so sure that he wouldn’t be either. Homebodies… what are ya gonna do?

Don’t get me wrong. I like hanging out and getting crazy, but I need my time away from everyone. It’s a necessity for my healthy living.

What about you guys? Introvert or extrovert?