How to: Be Persuasive… with a little Gotye mixed in

I feel like it’s been a really long time since I’ve written a post, but it’s only been about 3 days.

I guess it’s been a while since I’ve posted something up to my usual standards haha.

There’s just been so much going on lately. Between getting ready for college, finishing last minute things for people, making sure all of my forms are in order, procrastinating from all of that and doing absolutely nothing for weeks instead of actually finishing all of the stuff I just mentioned, I’ve had a lot on my plate 😉

Nah in all actuality I’ve been busy without really being busy if that makes any sense at all. I feel like I haven’t really done anything, but I’ve done enough to be so completely sleep deprived to the point of getting sick and having to be out of commission for a day. Of course as soon as I get sick everyone decides I need to hang out with them…

However now that I used that day to catch up on sleep and I’m feeling all better I’m out of my procrastination funk and I actually finished a lot of stuff! Feel free to applaud.

Still, before I get back to my random “deep” posts, I’ll share a few things with you that have kept me entertained.

Well, two things haha.

The first is something I found the other day that’s a bit long, but pretty funny if you actually read it.

It’s basically a “how to” for being persuasive and winning arguments… I just wouldn’t recommend following it very closely.

How to be persuasive

And now this last one is a video that my sister had me watched… I’ve had these thoughts about this song and a few others, but you know songs like these… no matter how much they irritate you at times, as soon as you hit the chorus…

Well, I’ll get back into the swing of things soon enough but until then, enjoy! and have a great weekend 🙂

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