Get a life!

I have no life when I’m in school!

-Every college student ever.

Life is crazy! It’s hectic! It’s full of ups and downs! There are days when you’re so stressed that everyone is doing something worth kicking them in the shins! Some days you’re so overwhelmed you’re on the verge of tears! You have those days that turn into a solid week of everything going wrong.

Mixed into those days are the moments you drop that stress to help a friend. You forget that you’re shivering and soaking wet from the sky peeing on you walking home the one night it decides to be cold in the south! You forget that you haven’t slept in days and you’ve barely had time to eat in two weeks. You forget how many labs you have to get done. You forget how many exams you have to study for. You forget about your grades and your worries and your stress and you rescue two grasshoppers from dying in your apartment building to cheer up your suite mate. You laugh with your roommates as you take out the 7 bags of trash that have been piling up because everyone you live with is too lazy to walk to the dumpster. You try convincing your mom your card was not stolen and spend an hour on the phone with fraudulent activity services to explain that you really did donate $600 to support a friend.

Life is crazy.

If you haven’t a care in the world and everything’s a walk in the park, then you, my friend, need to get a life.

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